Johnny Foreigner, a trio hailing from Birmingham, England, is a fine example of Brit punk-pop done right. A relatively young band, Johnny Foreigner formed in 2006 and debuted in the United States in 2007, touring with such power players as Los Campesinos! and The Spinto Band. The same year they signed with Best Before Records and in 2008 released their first full album Waited Up 'Til It Was Light.
The album contains gems of energetic beats, busy melodies, and mildly-whiny British accents reminiscent of Los Campesinos! With both Kelly Southern and Alexei Berrow taking the mic, a pleasing contrast of punk and a-little-less-punk is made, which is brilliantly illustrated in one of my favorites, "Salt, Pepa, and Spinderella." Don't get me wrong the album has it's tender moments with one of their more understated songs, "DJs Get Doubts." Overall the album has its fair share of interesting hooks, beats, melodies, and very interesting lyrics that will leave you anything but bored.
Since their debut album, Johnny Foreigner has since finished recording their second album that is set to be released in the fall of 2009 and have been touring the UK.